Hyperspace Wars is an SRPG set in a multiverse in which a cast of anime characters belonging to different franchises coexist. Combine the skills of...
14.3 k downloads
Dragon Quest Tact is an RPG with turn-based combats where you control some of the most popular monsters from the Dragon Quest Franchise in fun...
18.7 k downloads
The Alchemist Code is a JRPG with a turn-based combat system where you immerse yourself in a fantasy world dominated by The Alchemy, an arcane...
50.8 k downloads
Reverse: 1999 is a title that combines RPG with gacha gameplay and card games. You will explore a new world while trying to get as...
25.1 k downloads
Rivengard (Valiant Heroes) is an RPG game with a turn-based combat system developed at King -- the very studio that created the smash hits Candy...
20.3 k downloads
Light of the Stars is an SRPG where you must help brave female warriors defend a universe from what seems like inevitable devastation. Evil stalks...
Phantom of the Kill (JP) is a tactical role-playing game where you can create your own group of adventurers, choosing from more than 100 different...
9.3 k downloads
Traitors Empire is a turn-based RPG where you can lead a group of rebels in the fight against an oppressive kingdom. The game begins with...
6.7 k downloads
Duskfall is a first-person dungeon crawler RPG created by the same developers as the great Moonshades. Your objective is to explore the depths of a...
FNaF World is a turn-based JRPG that lets you control the characters of the popular horror franchise Five Nights at Freddy’s. Yup, those terrifying ‘animatronics’...
5 M downloads